Couples Therapy

Mystery is not always about traveling to new places; it is about looking with new eyes.

– Esther Perel –

We all get stuck… Sometimes that happens in our closest relationships, and the one you have with the one you love is probably the most important relationship in your life. It’s important to take good care of it year after year, and it’s just as easy to lose sight of what is happening to it. We meet someone and plan to spend decades together. There is a lot of pressure on our relationships not only to last but to fulfill an immensity that may at times feel unrealistic.

If any of these situations feel like your experience, couples therapy can help…

Feeling like your relationship has lost something (romance, connection, intimacy, trust…) or feels stuck…

If you’ve found the person you want to spend those decades with and you want to make sure you’re both on the same page…

If you’ve been through transitions, losses, trauma and/or any of the many other challenges of life and feel like they’ve taken a toll on your relationship or on your spouse, leaving you concerned and noticing a change in your connection…

If kids have “flown the coop” and you find yourself staring at your partner (and yourself, for that matter) wondering where the years have gone, realizing you need to re-learn your relationship…

If stress or relationship trauma like an affair has altered your relationship and you fear losing it or can’t decide if the relationship is right for you anymore…

Or if any of these issues are presenting a problem in your relationship, couples therapy can help.

  • Addiction/Partner Addiction Support
  • Balance (Work/Life/Family)
  • Blended Families
  • Chronic Illness
  • Divorce
  • Extended Family
  • Infidelity
  • Intimacy
  • Mental Illness
  • Pre-Marital/Readiness
  • Pornography
  • Sex

Please feel free to reach out to talk about what kind of support your relationship needs. I am always happy to talk about what you might need in your relationship and in a therapeutic process.